Beyond Resolutions: Becoming the Hero of Your Story in 2025
Updated: Jan 29
Every morning, I pull up my window blind and ask myself, "Who will I be on this day?"
This little routine changed my life - but first…I had some things to learn.

I made the same New Year's resolution for years - "lose weight." I wrote it down faithfully each January like millions of others jotting down their good intentions.
That resolution sat abandoned by February, like a gym membership card gathering dust in a drawer.
The real breakthrough came when I stopped asking, "What should I be doing?" and started asking, "Who do I want to be?"
Nobody should drift through their own story, reacting to whatever life throws their way. This is a terrible way to live.
Your life deserves a bigger vision - one where you're the hero, where your daily choices add up to something meaningful, where you wake up knowing exactly where you're headed.
Want to know how to turn your one life into an adventure?
Here are three steps to take you there.
Step 1: Write Your Story's Ending First

When you write your own obituary (yes, really), something powerful happens. You see beyond the day-to-day tasks and glimpse the whole arc of your story.
What do you want people to say about your life?
What legacy will you leave?
This exercise might feel uncomfortable - even a little creepy - but it places every choice you make today in the context of your larger story.
If you skip this step, you'll continue making choices without understanding their long-term impact. Daily decisions become disconnected tasks rather than stepping stones toward your bigger purpose.
How to do it: Start with the end in mind. Write as if you’re looking back from the future. Describe the lives you touched, the difference you made, the person you became.
Be brave enough to dream big - your obituary isn't about what's practical; it's about what's possible.
Step 2: Name Your Life Movie

Every great movie has a title that captures its essence. What's yours? Think about the power of movie titles that resonate with real-life journeys:
"Dead Poets Society" - perfect for someone bringing creativity and passion to others, waking up their purpose
"Field of Dreams" - for those building something others can't yet see
"The Greatest Showman" - capturing the spirit of someone who brings joy and wonder to others
"Hidden Figures" - for those quietly making a massive impact behind the scenes
"A Beautiful Mind" - representing someone who turned their challenges into their greatest gifts
"The Pursuit of Happyness" - for those who refuse to give up on their dreams despite obstacles
"Groundhog Day" - for someone who kept trying until they got it right and learned to live with purpose
One woman smiled when she realized her story was "It's a Wonderful Life" - not because everything was perfect, but because she touched so many lives in small ways that created big ripples.
Someone else claimed "Rocky" - not because he was a boxer, but because he kept getting up when life knocked him down.
If you do this: Your title will draw inspiration from these classics, reminding you that you are living in a story all your own.
I've watched someone come alive when she named her story: "The Garden Whisperer" - not because she's a master gardener, but because she nurtures growth in everyone she meets.
Someone else declared "Breaking Dawn" their movie title because it represented his journey from corporate burnout to building schools in remote communities.
Which of so many possibilities will become the theme that pulls you forward into the great adventure of 2025?
As that person, you will need a code to live by.
Step 3: Create Your Hero's Code

Heroes live by a code. They know what they stand for and, just as importantly, what they won't stand for.
This means choosing two things you'll do every day and two things you'll never do. Rather than habits, these become declarations of who you are.
Here's what this looks like in action:
Daily commitments I've seen transform lives:
"I will write one handwritten note of appreciation every day."
"I will spend 15 minutes in complete silence each morning."
"I will ask someone about their dreams."
"I will do one small thing that scares me."
"I will notice and name one beautiful thing."
And the power of "I don't do...":
"I don’t end a conversation with someone I love in anger."
"I don’t say 'yes' when my heart screams 'no'"
"I don’t hide my art to avoid judgment."
"I don’t let fear make my decisions."
"I don’t quit.”
This code particularly moved me: "Every day, I will look one person in the eyes and see them. And I will never again shrink myself to make others comfortable."
These simple words will change everything about how you show up in the world.
Your Mission Begins Now

This January 11th, I'm inviting 12 people to join me for an intimate, transformative workshop called Hero on a Mission: Make 2025 Matter. Together, we'll create beyond resolutions - we'll design your life's mission.
Ready to become the hero of your story? Click here to save your spot and create how YOUR next year will look - either with the on-line app (very cool) or using the workbook I will send you.
OR join me for my "Hero On A Mission: Make 2025 Matter" overview in my Facebook Group, "Little Bits of Courage".
You'll walk away with a clear story, daily practices that keep you on track, and the tools to live purposefully each day.
These could be some of the most valuable few hours of your life.
2025 is waiting. Make it a story worth telling. A mission to pursue.
You have the power to make 2025 the year everything changes.