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Writer's pictureBernice McDonald

The Mirror Moment: How Facing Your 'Not Enough' Can Transform Your Business

Updated: Oct 1, 2024

woman looking at herself in the mirror with a pnsive expression

You're standing in front of the mirror, staring at a reflection that seems “inadequate”. 

The voice in your head is relentless: "Who do you think you are, trying to run a business? You're not smart enough, not talented enough, not brave enough." 

Anything familiar about this? 

man with eyes closed in frustration, hands on head, imaginary diaglogue bubbles coming from his head

As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves drowning in a sea of "not enough." This feeling isn't just uncomfortable – it's a business killer. 

It makes us play small, stick to safe options, and miss out on incredible opportunities. 

We shy away from raising our prices, hesitate to pitch to that dream client, or talk ourselves out of launching that innovative product. 

Our "not enough" story becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, holding us back from, well, being successful. It blocks us from all we're capable of achieving.

Wait! Hold the phone…WHAT IF that mirror moment could be repurposed as the turning point in your business journey?

Are you game to explore that with me?

Thought Switch #1: Embrace Your "Not Enough" Story 

Look your "Not Enough" in the eye.

man looking at his reflection in a mirror thoughtfully

Take a Bold Step: 

The first step to overcoming your "not enough" is to acknowledge it. 

Shine a flashlight - no, a spotlight - on those shadows of self-doubt. It might feel scary, but facing your fears head-on is the only way to move past them.

The secret here is to let yourself feel uncomfortable. Yes, you heard me. Uncomfortable. 

If you don't do this: 

Your "not enough" story will continue to run the show behind the scenes 


… influencing your decisions and 

…limiting your potential without you even realizing it.

How to do this?

1. Set aside quiet time for reflection. Find a comfortable space where you won't be interrupted.

2. Write down your 'not enough' thoughts. Be honest and specific. What exactly do you feel you're lacking? For instance, 'I'm not skilled enough to handle this project ', 'I'm not experienced enough to lead this team ', 'I'm not confident enough to make this decision '. 

Dump that brain out onto the paper. All of it.

3. Speak these thoughts out loud. Go back to your reflection and talk to yourself. Hearing them can help you recognize how they've been affecting you. 

Remember, this isn't about judgment. It's about awareness. 

As you do this exercise, try to approach yourself with the same compassion you'd offer a dear friend. Your "not enough" thoughts aren't facts – they're just stories you've been telling yourself

The good news here is that stories can be rewritten.

By shining a light on these thoughts, you're taking the first bold step towards change. 

You're saying, 'I see you, fear, but you don't get to drive this business anymore.' This act of courage, simple as it may seem, is profoundly powerful. It's the foundation for all the brave choices you'll make moving forward, and it's all in your hands. 

This act of courage, simple as it may seem, is profoundly powerful. It's the foundation for all the brave choices you'll make moving forward.

Don’t you feel excited just hearing that? Let’s go on.

Thought Switch #2: Reframe Your Mirror Moment 

Transform "Not Enough" into "Becoming Enough".

pen lying on a paper pad that has "my story isn't over" written in blue on it

Take A Bold Step:

Now that you've faced your "not enough" story, stared it down, exposed it, looked it right in the eye -  it's time to wrestle it into submission.  

Anxiety check: Your mirror moment isn't a verdict on your worth – it's an invitation to grow.

If you don't do this: 

You risk getting stuck in what’s called “a fixed mindset”. That means believing that your current limitations define your future potential. In other words, letting your brain tell you, "This is just who you are. Can’t be helped.”

I heard that a lot growing up. I literally have had to wrestle it down to the ground and tie a rope around it to set the rest of me free.

Why? This can lead to stagnation in both your business and your personal growth.

How do you do this?

1. For each "not enough" thought you identified, ask yourself: "What if this is just where I am right now, not who I am forever?"

2. Write a growth-oriented statement for each thought. It’s different from the “fixed mindset” in that it says, “I feel this way right now, but this is something I can always change if I choose to.”

For example, "I'm not skilled enough" (a fixed mindset if you sigh and just accept this) becomes "I can learn how to do this" (a growth mindset filled with possibility).

3. Create a visual reminder of these new statements. Put them on sticky notes around your mirror or set them as daily phone reminders.

This reframing isn't about denial or false positivity. It's about recognizing that you're on a journey.

Every successful entrepreneur started somewhere, feeling as uncertain as you do. The difference is that they chose to see their doubts as starting points, not stopping points.

As you practice this reframing, you build a crucial skill for business success: resilience.

You're training yourself to see challenges as opportunities for growth, not signs of inadequacy. 

This mindset shift will help you bounce back from setbacks more quickly and approach new ventures with curiosity rather than fear.

Remember, the goal isn't to banish self-doubt entirely. 

It's to develop a more balanced, growth-oriented perspective that allows you to take bold steps even when you don't feel 100% ready.

Thought Switch #3: Put Courage Into Action

Fuel your brave choices every opportunity you get.

runners walking

Take A Bold Step:

With your reframed mindset, it's time to put your newfound courage into action.

Choose one area of your business where your "not enough" story has been holding you back. 

Be honest. Think back on that brain dump and tie it to your marketing, your fear of approaching new clients, or your finding every excuse possible not to attend a networking event.  

If you don't do this: 

Your new perspective remains a nice idea, not a transformative force in your business. Even the most powerful mindset shifts can't create real-world change without action.

How to do this:

1. Identify one business goal that scares you. Maybe it's pitching to a big client, launching a new product, or raising your prices.

2. Break this goal down into smaller, manageable steps. What's the first tiny action you can take? Come on, refuse to let your brain say, “I don’t know…” because that’s the fear talking. Instead, pause. Ask yourself, “If I had all the confidence in the world, what would these steps be?

3. Then, be that person—the confident one. Commit to taking that first step within the next 24 hours as if you laugh in the face of fear. Set a specific time and hold yourself accountable.

As you take this bold step, you might feel wobbly, and your knees might shake. That's okay. Courage isn't about not feeling fear—it's about feeling it and taking action anyway.

Remember, every successful entrepreneur has stood where you're standing now. They've all had moments of doubt, wondering if they're enough. 

The difference is that they chose to step forward anyway. And with each step, they grew stronger, more confident, and more "enough."

This bold step, however small it might seem, is incredibly powerful. It's proof to yourself that you can move forward even when you don't feel entirely ready. 

It's a tangible challenge to your "not enough" story. And it's the beginning of a new chapter in your business journey.

Step Into Your Brave Enough Future

The scene in the movie of your life has changed. 

woman in pretty white and pink dress dancing on the sand at the beach

You're standing in front of that mirror again. But this time, you see a different reflection. 

You see a leader who's faced their fears and chosen courage. You see an entrepreneur who's turned "not enough" into "brave enough." 

This version of you stands taller, speaks with more conviction, and moves through the world with an unshakeable sense of purpose.

This future you is already within you, just waiting for you to claim it.

With each bold step, each brave choice, you're bringing that future closer. Inspiring others with your courage.

You're not just running a business – you, brave entrepreneur, are leading a movement.

Remember, you don't have to do this alone. If you're ready to step into your "brave enough," let's talk. Together, we can turn your business dreams into reality. Ready to find out what that next Bold Step could be for you? Schedule a free strategy call and start your journey to fearless business growth right now.


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